Early Literacy Programs

Fennville District Library is proud to be a participant in 1000 Books Before Kindergarten! The Allegan County Library Association and the Allegan County United Way have partnered together to bring a FREE and exciting way to encourage reading. You are your child’s first and best teacher. Reading aloud to your child is the best way to help develop important literacy skills and to prepare your for school.
What does reading 1000 books look like? It could be one book a day for three years, ten books a week for two years, or twenty books a week for one year. This is a completely self-paced program, and you can read at your own pace. The only goal is to read out loud to your child 1000 times before they enter kindergarten!
For more details, or to sign up, stop by the library and ask a staff member
It can be hard to make time for early literacy in our busy lives, but TALK makes it easy! This service sends two text messages each week suggesting activities that you can easily incorporate into daily routines with your children. Sometimes, you’ll also get event reminders for programs available at the library! This program is available to parents and caregivers in Michigan with children ages 5 and under. You can sign up by texting TALK to 75547 or visiting texttolearn.com.
This service is funded in part by a National Leadership grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. It is a statewide project led by the Ypsilanti District Library. The technology platform to distribute the messages was developed by the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services and materials to promote the service is available through the Library of Michigan. HighScope Center for Early Education Research and Evaluation helped ensure messages were aligned to a child’s development and will be conducting an evaluation of the project.
Did you know when you talk, read, and sing—even before your child can use words—you’re building up your child’s vocabulary and preparing them for success? We know it many to always be easy to talk to little ones, especially when they can’t talk back to us. That is why Allegan County, led by Help Me Grow Allegan, is joining Too Small To Fail’s Talking is Teaching campaign. This campaign offers families fun tips, songs, books, and games to better connect with their children every day. Free Talking is Teaching materials are available at Allegan County playgroups, or right here at the library!